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Sunday, May 9, 2010

My words on the iPad

Everyone has his views on Apple's iPad, here is mine:-

iPad is yet another luxury gear whose success relies on how close it is to itself. It will surely and brilliantly suit all people non-techie needs and will make BUYING anything as easy as possible (That's the only revolution here). So everything will be possible with the iPad, if the solution is not available for free, you just buy the app/song/book/magazines/concert tickets whatever. This closed model is of course very appealing to all businesses and hence adopted by all.

All the frenzy around the iPad looks very promising, which means that the IT sector still has its golden years ahead.

The ban on Adobe's Flash is purely a business decision which affects directly the web landscape and that's why all the photos i posted on the blog won't appear on the iPad. Thats lame but i wonder for how long will Apple resist when new competitors are entering the couchpad market with Flash enabled.

Bottom-line I already have the smaller iPod Touch which fit perfectly in my jean back pocket, i will not buy a bigger iPad but i will not refuse an iPad as a gift either.. (Note: I don't read books and when i surf the web I have 80 tabs open in my browser)  What I will buy are some Apple shares if I can get the money ;) and some Android-based devices which look more open and versatile yet promising.

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