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Friday, May 21, 2010

Volcano Eyjafjallajokull rules

The Icelandic volcano provoked an unprecedented havoc across the airline industry in late April 2010. Intense volcanic ash cloud and south eastern winds caused  major Europe airports to be grounded including Heathrow, Nordic countries, France, Spain & even Russia. They remain grounded for up to a week while the airline companies suffocated economically day by day leaving millions of passengers stranded all over the world.

This reminds me of 2 things. 1) Nature always has the last word.  2) The increasing dependency we have on airline travel.

This make me think that we are often over-dependent on a particular system. Just imagine a 5-day total internet blackout! Even if that's less probable, it remains scary!

How about the Yellowstone caldera erupting?  Well, forget it!

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