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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Apple at the peak of its history

It's no wonder now that Apple has many more bright years ahead with all-time record revenue and earnings from the sales of the Iphone which almost doubled from 7.1 million to 14.1 million year-over-year, record selling numbers of Macs up 27% to 3.9 million this year and the Ipad, a gadget announced in February, launched in April and sold a staggering 4.2 million in just 6 months. The result is an all-time high share price floating above the 300 mark from just around 200 at the beginning of the year. That's up 50% year-to-date.

There's no sign of this going down anytime soon as big confusion continues to build-up in the Android camp. Because of its open-source nature, major vendors end up creating different flavors of Android for their mobile devices thus guaranteeing nightmares for Apps developers to develop and test their Apps on all Android flavors that are out there. On the other side, Iphone remain close-source with the one and only App store and pretty straightforward App development.

Last minute news: Yet another Android-based phone - The PlayStation Phone!
Of course.. why not? Since gaming on the Iphone is becoming increasingly popular, Sony definitely need to enter this market to stay in the game.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Evidence of water on Moon

On 9 October 2009, the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission threw a heavy projectile to a shadowed crater on the moon while the thrower satellite stayed above to capture and analyse the plume and debris caused by the impact.

Report of that analysis now show that the Moon contains not only water but also other compounds including hydrocarbons, sulphur and carbon dioxide. Before that evidence, the moon was considered to be a dry satellite.

This finding is very interesting considering the fact that to bring 1 gallon of water from earth to the moon may be as costly as $100000. Also, with water present, the important fuel - Hydrogen can be made available, thus eventually making the moon with its lower gravity than earth an ideal launching ground for further less costly space exploration.

Now the race is becoming more interesting.. the Bush administration rightly planned to go for the moon first and then use it as a launching pad for further exploration to Mars. But the Obama administration had no choice than to scrap that plan due the unprecedented economic recession. Both were right but now with the new findings, my guess is that the Obama administration will reconsider their plan for the moon.

A good point to note is that we confirmed there is water on Mars well before confirming same on the moon in our own backyard. It's not surprising though considering all the investment made to explore Mars rather than the Moon. This too will change now.. there is still much to discover on our Moon

Some reports have already said that we may find gold, silver and mercury. It's just a matter of time now until we know more if ever there will be a gold mine there. :P